Carthage is home for our residential students, and a home away from home for commuters, 教师, 和工作人员. 校园服务,如博彩网址大全班车和邮件收发室,使博彩网址大全的生活更轻松,更有趣.

(See something missing from this list? 电子邮件


博彩网址大全很荣幸能与弹弓合作,成为学院的教科书和校园书店供应商. 找到你的课本, 购买课堂用品, 在坎贝尔学生会的校园书店里买到博彩网址大全的东西.

Learn more about 弹弓


博彩网址大全在学年期间提供免费班车接送不同的校园设施和校外停车场. Our shuttle services provide reliable transportation to help students, 教师, 工作人员, and guests get where they need to go! Questions about the Campus Shuttle 服务? 联系 Office of Public 安全 电话:262-551-5911或

Learn more about our shuttle services


The 博彩网址大全 邮件收发室 assists 教师, 工作人员, and students with receiving and shipping mail and packages, 还有印刷, 传真, 小册子绑定, 和更多的.


809, 17th Street, 出赛 WI, 53140


周一至周五:早上7点.m.-3:30 p.m.
Please note: These hours are for the school year only; mailroom hours change during the summer and breaks.


Carthage 校园邮件收发室 at 262-551-5711.


  • U.S. Mail 服务 — You may have personal mail delivered to the mailroom.
  • UPS(联合包裹服务)—您可以将个人包裹送到收发室, as well as send out packages via UPS.
  • 传真(1美元.00 /页.S., $3 per page International)
  • Personal copies (see costs below)
  • Booklet binding — Have your thesis bound in soft cover cardstock.
  • Carthage letterhead and envelopes available
  • Large packet stapler available
  • Folding machine for brochure creation
  • 名片订单
  • 名牌订单

信封 & 邮票

Carthage-branded envelopes may be purchased in the mailroom. There are #10, A6, 6x9, 9x12, and 10x13 sizes available. 价格不等.

附有自订编码的商业回邮信封亦可透过邮件收发室订购. 请电邮至 请求这些.

We do not sell plain envelopes or stamps in the mailroom. You can purchase these, as well as padded envelopes, in the bookstore.


Carthage 教师 和工作人员 can order business cards through the mailroom. Pricing is as follows:

100张名片 $40.85
250张名片 $45.15
500张名片 $50.53
1,000 business cards $66.65
2000张名片 $88.15

Request business cards


Name tags are available in two sizes:

  • 大(3.5” wide by 2” high) — $6
  • Small (3” wide by 1” high) — $5

Request a name tag order

副本 & 定价

教师 和工作人员 can request copies by completing this online print request form or by sending your print request to 我们要求您允许24小时(周一至周五)完成副本请求. 请注意:收发室需要知道你的帐号和部门名称.

All sized and color bond paper — $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
Vellum 8-1/2” by 11” — $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
Cover stock white 8-1/2” by 11” — $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面
Cover stock color paper 8-1/2” by 11” — $0.第一页5美元,0美元.05背面

Digital Color Copy White 8-1/2” by 11” — $0.第一页10元,0元.05背面
Digital Color Copy 11” by 17” — $0.第一页15美元,0美元.05背面
Digital Color Copy 11” by 17” Card — $0.第一页20美元,0美元.05背面
C1S Gloss 12” by 18” — $0.第一页25美元,0美元.05背面


收发室服务的付款方式为现金、支票或院系收费(教职员工). The mailroom will need to know your account number and department name.


Todd Wehr Center (TWC)



学生邮件收发室 Window Hours
周一至周五:上午10点.m.-7 p.m.
星期六:上午9点.m.-2 p.m.



学生邮件收发室: 262-551-5753 or
校园邮件收发室: 262-551-5711


Todd Wehr中心(TWC)的学生邮件收发室包括安全的邮件储物柜和邮件收发室窗口. Students can access the lockers during regular TWC hours of operation. 由于学生收发室空间有限,学生只能在每学期结束前取回他们的信件和包裹.

In order to expedite the process of students receiving packages, the Package Concierge system was implemented. Whenever a student receives a package, the mailroom employees will try to place packages into the system. This is not always possible — if the package is too large, 易腐烂的, the student has not established a package concierge account, or if there is no room left in the lockers, the student will receive an email from the student mailroom. 信件和杂志也直接送到学生收发室,通常不会放在包裹礼宾系统中.

当学生收到学生收发室收到他们的包裹或信件的通知时, they can come to the window during operating hours, tell the employee(s) working their name and show their student ID. 请告诉工作人员你收到的邮件是包裹、信件还是两者都有. The employee will then retrieve the package or letter. If it is a package, the student will be asked to sign for it.

如果您无法从学生收发室领取您的包裹或邮件, it is possible to send a friend to pick them up for you. In order to do this, the student needs to send an email to 说明他们在邮件收发室有件东西,他们授权他们的朋友(包括朋友的名字和姓氏)在他们的地方取包裹/信件. 朋友必须出示他们的身份证件,让员工知道他们要取谁的包裹并签收.

如果学生收到一封电子邮件,说明他们的包裹已被放置在包裹礼宾系统中, that email will contain a barcode and the student’s username. When the student goes to retrieve the package from the locker system, 他们可以输入用户名或扫描电子邮件提供的条形码(不是他们的学生证). The system will then prompt them to enter a pin. Around the beginning of the school year, 学生将收到一封来自Package Concierge系统的带有链接的电子邮件, 提示他们建立一个pin,他们可以用它来检索他们的包裹. Once the student has entered their pin, 一个储物柜会打开, and they can take their packages out of the locker. Once the locker is completely empty, as more than one package may be inside a locker for a person, close the door and hit the “Log Out” button on the kiosk screen.

If the student does not receive an email to establish an account, 他们应该博彩网址大全或者去学生收发室,我们可以帮他们安排一个.

我们鼓励学生在他们第一次延长假期(如.e. winter break or summer break). If a student receives mail over a break, and it has the correct postage type on it, it can be forwarded to the student. Mail can also be held until the next semester upon request. If a student does not provide a forwarding address, 学生收发室可能会联系学生,以便学生在返回校园之前收到他们的邮件.

一旦学生毕业,向学生收发室提供转发地址尤为重要, or if they become commuters. 如果学生未能提供转发地址或没有回应学生收发室,他们希望如何处理他们的邮件, their package/letter may be returned to the original sender.

We also encourage students, especially upon graduation, 与美国邮政总局和向校园发送邮件的企业更改其转发地址,以便他们能够及时将邮件送到正确的地址.


Todd Wehr中心的学生收发室有一个亚马逊储物柜,用来存放来自亚马逊的货物. 我们的Amazon Hub Locker,“Phil”是学生可以选择寄送包裹的一个选项. 亚马逊员工直接将包裹送到这个储物柜,里面的包裹不会通过学生或校园收发室处理.

Not all packages will be able to be sent to the locker, depending on size and availability in the locker system. 然而, 使用Phil的学生可能会发现运输速度有时更快, though this is not always the case.

Once a package is placed into the Phil locker by Amazon, 帐户持有人将收到一个带有pin的通知,他们可以使用该pin从黄色储物柜中取回他们的包裹.

要使用Phil,订购的人需要选择Phil作为送货地址. This can either be done through the “Your Addresses” tab and selecting “Add Address” > find an Amazon pickup location. 这也可以在结账过程中添加送货地址时完成.

虽然Phil是将亚马逊包裹运送到校园的一种便捷方式,但它并不是唯一的方式. 包裹可以像平常一样写地址,它们将通过学生收发室处理.


学生可以通过访问位于设施大楼的校园收发室来邮寄包裹. 信件可以放在USPS的蓝色邮箱里,该邮箱位于校园大道上,在塔伯大厅前面.



2001 Alford Park Drive
Residence hall and room number

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact, or stop by the mailroom window and ask the employees. 他们会尽力帮助你解决你可能遇到的任何问题.